After practice we went to eat Duck hot pot (Jia Moe Ya) and went to sing some songs at a KTV place. This all to say goodbye to our first member Kano (Japan). It's a pity she is leaving but we wish her all the best for the future. And may she return to Taiwan she is more then welcome in our team. Kano you rock!!!
在得知本球隊的第一位隊員,來自日本的平井花乃子即將回國,我們決定在花乃子與我們最後一次的練習之後,大夥兒一起到三重薑母鴨聚餐,替花乃子餞別,之後一行人又到KTV歡唱.雖然全程大家歡笑不斷,我們也見識到日本女孩超卡哇伊的歌唱功力,但離別時仍然依依不捨,差點掉下了眼淚.很可惜花乃子要離開台灣了,我們希望花乃子一切順遂,同時也希望將來有機會她能回來台灣看看我們. 花乃子,你太棒了!!!
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